We are happy to inform that a number of the alumni residing overseas have signed up. On the local front, we understand that many of you are finding difficulty to go away for this 2 days' retreat. As we value your presence and participation, we are asking you to come for only half a day as follows:
Date: 24 January (Mon)
8.45 am Praise & Worship
9.00 - 10.00 am Insights from the Past
10.00 - 10.30 am Tea Break
10.30 - 10.45 am Greetings from Principal
10.45 - 11.45 am Vision for the future
11.45 - 12.45 pm Reflections and Responses
1.00 - 2.00 pm Lunch
Besides hearing from previous lecturers in Drs Jeanette Hui and Chong Kwong Tek, Tony Lim, the present dean will be sharing to us the new vision of ministry and collaboration. We seek your presence to partner with MBS in exploring new ways to strengthen the theological foundations in the local churches that we represent.
While the alumni committee will sponsor the cost of your meals, you need to confirm with me your attendance so that I can inform the caterer. For those of you who can stay on for the night, you need to pay only half the registration fee.
See you there!